I proudly welcome you to Moorefield Girls High School, a school dedicated to inspiring young women to develop their strengths and talents in a collaborative and creative learning environment.
We are a school that offers a broad and innovative curriculum where our classrooms demonstrate the vibrant learning culture of the school with girls confidently engaged and challenged in their learning. The teaching staff at Moorefield Girls utilise their deep understanding of how girls learn to challenge our students to develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills.
We have a history of achieving strong HSC results and cultivate strong academic growth over the six years of study. Research indicates that girls schools such as Moorefield Girls provide the best opportunity for academic success and more readily produce leaders in their field due to the secure and safe learning environment that is created. This is true of our school and our young women.
Our young women are supported in their development by the core values of high expectations and mutual respect. Student wellbeing is enhanced through innovative and supportive programs. Our students are provided with opportunities to work with role models and mentors and are provided with extensive leadership and extra curricular opportunities.
I encourage you to view our website to gain an insight into the opportunities available at Moorefield Girls High School where we inspire our young women to learn, lead and succeed.